The choices in this drop-down list allow you to specify exactly what it is you want to print. Near the bottom of the pop-up menu that appears, ensure that Print Comments (or Print Comments and Ink Markup) is selected. Under Settings, select the second drop-down box. You can include comments on your printed slides. Click the drop-down list immediately under the Settings label. On the slide, right-click the comment icon and select Delete Comment.Word displays the Print portion of the File tab. If you are using Word 2010 or a later version, follow these steps instead: (The first prints just the comments and other document markup, the second prints the document together with any comments and other document markup.) From the Slides Sized For drop-down list, choose the size of the paper you’ll use to print the poster. In the Customize group on the right, click Slide Size, then Custom Slide Size. This template was created in an earlier version of Excel. In PowerPoint 2013, click the Design tab. In reply to Guruprasad Ras post on JThis only happens with one file- it is a template that I use regularly. Using the Print What drop-down list, choose either List of Markup or Document Showing Markup. Red triangle (not the comment one) showing up when I print.To configure this setting in PowerPoint 2013/2016: From the File menu, select Print. The notes could be for the benefit of the presenter or to hand out to the audience. If you choose to print your speaker notes, the printouts will show the slide image on the top half of the page and speaker notes at the bottom. In PowerPoint it is useful to be able to print your notes pages along with miniatures of your slides. Follow these steps if you are using Word 2007: When you decide to print your PowerPoint slides, you can choose to print with or without speaker notes.

Based on horizontal and vertical layouts there are multiple formats such as 1 slide per page, 2 slides, 3,4, up to 9 slides that can be adjusted automatically on one page to get their hard-copy. Word provides a variety of ways that your comments can appear when printed. No Comments In PowerPoint 2010, you can have multiple layouts in which you can print presentation handouts. If you've defined a group of comments in your document, you may want to print them at some time. In PowerPoint 2013, click the Design tab.